The Art of Thank You

I recently did a free photo shoot for a lovely young lady, Miss Lacey. She followed up (more than once) with a very nice note thanking me for taking the time to photograph her. I was very impressed with her graciousness and wanted to take a few moments to post a little note about it.

I can say that I've done a lot of free photo shoots over the years, especially when I was first starting out. Over time I have received some very nice thank you notes, but I have also worked very hard on some photo shoots and have heard nothing back from the model. Really, truly, nothing.

That got me to thinking, is taking the time to say "thank you" slowly becoming a lost art? I hope not.

When a photographer takes the time to do a free photo shoot, she (or he) does not just work for the hour or two spent on location. Depending on the shoot, a photographer can spend anywhere from ten to twenty hours just editing the photos. After editing the photos, the photographer will usually burn the images onto a disc and mail the disc to the model and/or put together an online gallery for him or her. When you add in travel time, all of this can equal out to anywhere between fifteen to thirty hours (or more) of work for the photographer. That's a lot of work for a free photo shoot.

Where I'm going with this is, take a cue from Lacey and remember to take a moment to thank your photographer for that free photo shoot. It really means a lot to us when a model takes the time to let us know how grateful they are that we took the time to capture a moment in their life. I know it means a lot to me!

And with that, I'd like to take a moment to say "Thank You" to all my fabulous clients and models. I have truly enjoyed every moment that you have allowed me to capture for you!

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